My Country......Ecuador

Human Environment Interactions
Every where you go you have Human Environment Interactions and by everywhere I mean everywhere. Human Environment Interactions is how we affect and are affected by the environment, and also how we disturb the natural environment. In Ecuador, you have HEI (Human Environment Interactions). Some people break up HEI into positive/negative impacts on the environments. Some examples of positive/negative HEI are:
1.The production of goods such as petroleum,chemicals,and wood products have caused pollution,affecting the environment, in Ecuador.
2.Due to humans' search for oil,leaks and destruction of forests have affected the environment.
3.Good farmland such as the Sierra have provided many of the people in Ecuador with a living and agricultural wealth.
4. The Oriente,an area east of the Andes, provides Ecuador with a rich supply of oil.This is an example of how the environment positively affects the people of Ecuador.