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Ecuador has many different regions as you see on the picture to your bottom left corner. Their region is broken up or divided into four basic region: Costa, Sierra, Orienta, and Insular. Costa (in blue) consists of the provinces to the West of the Andean range: Esmeraldas, Guayas, Los Rios, Manabí, El Oro, Santa Elena.This region is the  seat of the largest banana expolration plantation. Sierra( in peach/orange) consists of the Andean and Interandean highland provinces: Azuay, Cañar, Carchi, Chimborazo, Imbabura, Loja, Pichincha, and Tungurahua. This land contains most of Ecuador's volcanoes and all of its snow-capped peaks. Orienta or Amazonas (in green) consists of the Amazon jungle provinces: Morona Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Sucumbíos, and Zamora-Chinchipe. This region is primarily made up of the huge Amazon national parks and indigenous intangible zones. And Last but not least the Insualr (in red) consists of the Galapagos Island. These regions makes up The Republic of Ecuador.

Ecuador's Regions

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