My Country......Ecuador

Salve, Oh Patria
"¡Salve, Oh Patria!" ("We Salute You, Our Homeland") is the national anthem of Ecuador. The lyrics were written in 1865 by the poet Juan León Mera, under request of the Ecuadorian Senate; the music was composed by Antonio Neumane. However, the anthem was not officially adopted by the Congress until September 29, 1948.
Spanish Version
¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! ¡Oh Patria,
gloria a ti! ¡Gloria a ti!
Ya tu pecho, tu pecho, rebosa
Gozo y paz y a tu pecho rebosa;
Y tu frente, tu frente radiosa
Más que el sol contemplamos lucir,
Y tu frente, tu frente radiosa
Más que el sol contemplamos lucir.
English Version:
We greet you, Oh Fatherland, a thousand times!
Oh Fatherland, Glory be to you! Glory be to you!
Your breast, your breast, overflows,
Your breast overflows with joy and peace;
And your radiant face, your radiant face
is brighter than the sun shining we see,
And your radiant face, your radiant face
is brighter than the sun shining we see.